Wednesday, January 16, 2008

PUTRESCENCE: 1646, from L. putrescentem (nom. putrescens), prp. of putrescere "grow rotten," inchoative of putrere "be rotten" (see putrid).

Post. My mind is unstable. I want to understand and appreciate what the author/s of "Formless" are attempting to say, but it is not in my power to do so. My lack of patience and my limited vocabulary would be the normal culprits of this kind of mind crime, but I feel like I am understanding what the book is trying to say or not say and I just don't like it very much. I feel like it's a mix between belief in a lack of absolutes and another philosophy having to do with experiencing life for ourselves and then also just trying to get people to wake up and think. That's fine. But. Everyone is doing it. (actually they are probably not, but they think they are) either way, this way of thinking is so popular especially in a university setting. Think for yourself! Don't let the ritual or the sacred or the taboo or the rules or the tradition dictate the way that you think about and experience life! You'll learn more and be a better person! I don't buy it. I can't even, according to this book, take the opposite stance of that and say that if everyone thinks for themselves then that will become the norm and the only way to break that will be to follow the old ways again. It's crap. All we can do is exist. It's fun to think about this stuff. It's fun to think about thinking. It's fun to think about learning how to be a new person and to understand things in new ways. maybe we do, but maybe we don't really change. I am still me. I am the same stupid crying kid that came out of my mom 21 years ago. "but look at how much you've learned and grown" is that because I am new? Is it new thinking; new ways of thinking being wanting knowing? Am I not yesterday Lance anymore? Is there a yesterday Lance? No. Do I change? No. Tomorrow does not exist. Yesterday does not exist. You exist. I exist. I'm not new. I'm not Old. I am. ME. The same goes for the way that I think. So screw wasting energy on trying.