Thursday, February 28, 2008

negative space

When I was reading x-marks the spot about how that artist filled the empty space under his chair with clay and that became the art form. I like that idea of taking spaces that get over looked and creating a solitary form from it. I started searching negative spaces on google and found a couple different artist. I looked at the monumental creation called double negative. It has been eroded over time, but is still recognizable from the air. Then when were started discussing what our group's objectives or thoughts were for the entropy final project, we discussed negative space. I brought in my first pair of running shoes and I am going to fill the inside of them with the paste, so hopefully the shoe burns away and the inside form is left. Everybody in the group started thinking of things they wanted to fill and we began determining if the object needed to be personal or just any object. Then we thought back to things that are sacred or personal and the image of a shrine came to mind. We could put anything in the shrine and for whatever meaning, it will have meaning because it is in the shrine. Then we digressed back to negative space and decided to fill the entire kiln with the shrine and our objects inside. When we first put the shrine in the kiln with all the objects inside. It will have order and look like an untouched shrine, but then we will fire it and the order will be burnt away. Entropy will be evident and the shrine will represent the space within the kiln after firing.

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